Due to the lingering activities of the islamic set (boko haram)the board responsible for conduct of university entrance exam JAMB has announce that some of the exam center that fall whitin the trouble state will be re located.
According to the chairman of joint admission and maltriculation board JAMB professor Ojerende this new development is to make sure that Jamb candidate and supervisor are secured during the exam.
He also said that the bimetric data machine have been upgraded, it will not be like last year,it can take large number of candidate in few hours .He also said that some of the primary school in bauchi state which are among jamb centers has been closed due to activities of bokoharam
UNN prospective student is a blog created by SIR EDMOND to help student who are anxious of getting admitted into the university.our aim been to make sure that student are provided with original information that will help them scale through the admission problem in Nigeria and other countries.I am here to assist you if have any problem with any of my post.call me on +2347033625106.thanks.