1) Choose Your Courses Wisely.
You should start making smart moves for your admission at the moment you purchased JAMB form. I strongly advise that, unless you are a far-above-average student, you should avoid choosing courses like Medicine, Pharmacy, Law, Economics etc. This is because majority of the candidates that come for UNN post utme annually choose those courses and only a few of them are admitted while the rest misses out no matter how intelligent they might be as the school can not possibly admit more than it’s carrying capacity for each department.
If you really just need admission as an average student, simply choose courses that are less competitive. When you are admitted, you may then consider changing over to your dream course or taking it up as a second degree after graduation. You don’t have to keep writing JAMB for the same course every year, try other less competitive courses. Make sure you check for the application statistics to be sure of the courses that are less competitive before applying. We will be providing details on how to check that in a future article here on
2) Subject Combination Matters.
Please, always make reference to an updated JAMB brochure while selecting your JAMB UTME subjects to be sure your combination meets the UNN requirement. This is very important as some candidates were denied admission in the past for wrong subject combinations. For example, a mechanical engineering aspirant who chose English, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology may not be admitted for not having Chemistry in the combination. We have discussed this in details in a previous article. Follow the discussion via this link =>
Also, while choosing your subjects, think about an alternative course or 2nd choice course that can also go with your subject combination. Why? At some point after your JAMB UTME exam, you may wish to go for JAMB change of course form or UNN supplementary admission form (may be because your JAMB or Post Utme score is not up to your first choice course’ cut off mark).
When you decide to go for the change, you will only be able to change the course, and not the subjects. So if your existing subject combination did not meet up with UNN requirements for your new course, you will be throwing away your chance of admission for the year.
3) UNN follows NUC Admission Policy.
I have seen Jambites on different forums online claim that the Univesity of Nigeria, Nsukka only admits candidates from Enugu state and it’s environs then discriminate against non-Igbo candidates. That’s a fallacy! The University strictly follows the Federal Government admission policy which states that institutions should admit candidates based on 45% Merit, 35% Catchment Area and 20% Education Less Developed States (ELDS).
It may interest you to know that a candidate from an educationally less privileged state like Bauchi, Benue, Ebonyi etc. with an average score of 180 stands a better chance of admission into UNN than a candidate from Enugu or Anambra state with an average score of 240. This is simply because majority of secondary leavers here in the south east, who of course always seek to further their education in the University, usually choose UNN for it’s proximity and great reputation. This large number of applicants end up competing for the few available admission space for catchment area whereas the very few candidates from education less developed states who choose UNN end up having more admission space than they can possibly fill.
So, if you are from any of the ELD states, wise up and choose UNN! In a future article here on UNNINFO, we will discuss the states in Nigeria and the catchment areas or category they belong for UNN admissions.
4) UNN Supplementary Admission Is Even More Competitive.
Many UNN aspirants believe that if they don’t gain admission into their first choice course, they can simply go for the UNN supplementary or shopping form and be admitted into another course. The truth is, as an average student, you stand a better chance of admission by merit if you chose a less competitive course as first choice than when you choose the same course during supplementary admissions. This is because some of the above-average candidates with scores of 250+ that were not admitted into medicine and the likes (because the university cannot possibly admit all of them) will surely come back to jostle for the less competitive courses with you during supplementary admissions.
Furthermore, UNN may not use the Merit, Locality and ELDS guideline for supplementary admissions. Some other criterion like Staff quota etc. may come into play then. So, you don’t have to spend N10,000 on UNN shopping/supplementary form for an admission you are not guaranteed. You have to make smart choices from the time you apply for JAMB UTME.
5) Your JAMB and Post Utme Scores Matter.
In the past, UNN considered only post utme score for admission, but now a final admission score is used which is calculated as an average of Jamb score and post utme score. That is, the sum of your Jamb score and your post ume score divided by two(2). This means that it’s just as important to get a high score in Jamb as it is to get same in the screening exam. A poor performance in either of the exams will surely affect your final average score.
6) Prepare Ahead of Time.
Apart from being smart with your choice of courses, you have to also be smart with time management. You have to be intelligent by studying long before the exam draws near. There may be school breaks and vacations but a good student knows that there is no break in academics. I recommend that you create a daily reading timetable for yourself which you should follow religiously.
7) Carefully Follow Instructions on the Day of Exam.
This is very important as many UNN Post utme candidates in the past end up not seeing their results simply because they did not follow laid down instructions on how to correctly shade in their registration number on the answer script.
Carefully read the instructions on your question paper, and follow them exactly.
8) Forget “Expo”.
In recent times, live O’ level WASSCE exam questions and answers are easily seen on different websites even hours before the exam. This has now made some Jambites to think every exam will be like that. Unfortunately for them, such cannot happen with UNN post utme. Here is why; in the past, UNN screening exam papers are printed when the candidates are already seated for the exam. This means the candidates will have to wait for some time after they are already checked into the exam halls before the actual exam begins. Also, candidates can’t even enter the exam hall with a phone as they will be thoroughly searched and seized phones will never be returned to the owners even after the exam. Yeah, it’s that serious. So, you have no option but to read your books.
9) Above all, God first!
I believe I don’t have to lecture you on the importance of putting God first in every thing. You should already know that by now. Don’t You? I am not much of a pastor/preacher either
In addition, below are some questions we got here on UnnInfo recently and our general response to them;
– Can I combine WAEC and NECO results in UNN?
The answer is Yes. But some departments like Medicine will not accept such combination.
– Does UNN accept University transfer students?
Yes. The UNN Inter-University Transfer forms are sold at the end of second semester.
– Can I defer my admissions for any reason?
Yes, but you must have completed your first year registration and obtained a Matriculation number then.
– IMPORTANT: You want to Know How To Pass Unn Post Utme? Make sure you get a copy of the Total Victory UNN Post Utme Past questions with Solutions as it will go a long way in helping you prepare for the exams. Find out more about this book here.
If you can, also get a copy of Felar 909, a book that will surely help you prepare for the Unn Post Ume Use of English Exam.
Do you have other tips you wish to share? please contact us or drop your contributions using the comment box below.
We will continue to share more success tips here on Be sure to visit this website often, so you don’t miss any important Info .
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